Plotting and Comparing Cosine Similarity Distributions

By: Adam Li

Here I extract from every channel a 7x1 frequency vector from 0.5 seconds before vocalization to vocalization (time averaged). This results in a #channelsX7 feature vector for every word pair event.

I compare same word pairings vs. different word pairings (e.g. BRICK_CLOCK vs BRICK_CLOCK and BRICK_CLOCK vs GLASS_JUICE) and produce the following:

  1. Plot Histograms of cosine similarities
  2. t-test or ks test between the distributions

In [1]:
# Import Necessary Libraries
import numpy as np

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import itertools
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.spatial import distance as Distance

# pretty charting
import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
################################### HYPER-PARAMETERS TO TUNE #######################################################
np.random.seed(123456789)  # for reproducibility, set random seed
distances = Distance.cosine # define distance metric to use
num_time_windows = 10
low_freq_bands = [0, 1]
high_freq_bands = [3, 4, 5, 6]
freq_bands = np.arange(0,7,1)

freq_labels = ['delta', 'theta', 'alpha', 'beta', 'low gamma', 'high gamma', 'HFO']
# print freq_bands
# print [freq_labels[i] for i in freq_bands]

print 'low bands: ', [freq_labels[i] for i in low_freq_bands]
print 'high bands: ', [freq_labels[i] for i in high_freq_bands]
print "The length of the feature vector for each channel will be: ", num_time_windows*len(freq_bands), \
            ' total=', 96*num_time_windows*len(freq_bands)

low bands:  ['delta', 'theta']
high bands:  ['beta', 'low gamma', 'high gamma', 'HFO']
The length of the feature vector for each channel will be:  70  total= 6720

In [58]:
#### Extract wordpairs data into a dictionary for a subject/session/block
#### dictionary{wordpair:{channels}}
def extractSubjSessionBlockData(subj, session, block):
    # file directory for a subj/session/block
    filedir = '../../condensed_data_' + subj + '/sessions_05122016/' + session + '/' + block
    wordpairs = os.listdir(filedir) 
    # initialize data dictionary with meta data
    data_dict = {}
    data_dict['meta'] = {'subject': subj,
                         'session': session,
                         'block': block}
    data_dict['data'] = {}
    for wordpair in wordpairs:    # loop thru all wordpairs
        wordpair_dir = filedir + '/' + wordpair
        all_channel_mats = os.listdir(wordpair_dir)
        data_dict['data'][wordpair] = {}
        for channel in all_channel_mats: # loop thru all channels
            chan_file = wordpair_dir + '/' + channel

            ## 00: load in data
            data =
            data = data['data']
            ## 01: get the time point for probeword on
            timeZero = data['timeZero'][0][0][0]
            ## 02: get the time point of vocalization
            vocalization = data['vocalization'][0][0][0]
            ## 03: Get Power Matrix
            power_matrix = data['powerMatZ'][0][0]
            chan = channel.split('_')[0]
            # convert channel data into a json dict
            data_dict['data'][wordpair][chan] = {'timeZero': timeZero,
                                          'powerMat': power_matrix}
    return data_dict

def isReverse(pair1, pair2):
    pair1split = pair1.split('_')
    pair2split = pair2.split('_')
    if pair1split[0] == pair2split[1] and pair1split[1] == pair2split[0]:
        return True
        return False

# Compute all pairwise distances between first_mat to second_mat
def computePairDistances(first_mat, second_mat):
    distance_list = []
    for idx in range(0, first_mat.shape[0]):
        distance_list.append([distances(x, first_mat[idx,:]) for x in second_mat])
    distance_list = 1.0 - np.ndarray.flatten(np.array(distance_list))
    return distance_list  
distances = Distance.cosine # define distance metric to use
def computeWithinDistances(mat):
    distance_list = np.array(())
    distance_list = []
    for idx in range(0, mat.shape[0]):
        for x in mat[idx+1:,:]:
            dist = distances(x,mat[idx,:])
            to_append = np.array(dist)
    distance_list = 1.0 - np.ndarray.flatten(np.array(distance_list))
    return distance_list

def createWordGroups(wordpairs):
    same_word_group = []
    reverse_word_group = []
    diff_word_group = []
    # create same group pairs
    for idx, pair in enumerate(wordpairs):
        same_word_group.append([pair, pair])

    # create reverse, and different groups
    for idx, pairs in enumerate(itertools.combinations(wordpairs,2)):
        if isReverse(pairs[0], pairs[1]):
            reverse_word_group.append([pairs[0], pairs[1]])
            diff_word_group.append([pairs[0], pairs[1]])
    return same_word_group, reverse_word_group, diff_word_group

def plotDescription(session, block):
    axes = plt.gca()
    ymin, ymax = axes.get_ylim()
    xmin, xmax = axes.get_xlim()
    plt.text((xmax-xmin)/4.5, (ymax-ymin)/2, r'Session %s %scomparing %s'%(session, '\n',block), fontsize=20)
    plt.title(session + ' ' + block + ' within-block analysis')

def plotHistogramDistances(distances, session, block, wordpairtype):
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.gca()
    plt.hist(distances, color='k', lw=3)
    plt.xlabel('Cosine Similarity n='+str(len(distances)))
    plt.ylabel('Frequency Count')
    plt.title(wordpairtype + ' Within-block pairwise distances in ' + session + ' with ' + block)
    plt.legend(r'n= %s'%(str(len(distances))))
def createSameWordSimilarities(block_data, channels):
    same_word_distances = np.array(())
    ################# 02a: Same Words Cosine Distnace #################
    # extract channel data for same word group
    same_word_dict = {}
    for same_words in same_word_group:
        same_feature_mat = np.array(()) # initialize matrix to store feature vectors for each event

        for chan in channels: 
            ## 01: extract data to process - average across time 
            same_word_data = []
            same_word_key = same_words[0]
            probeOnTime = block_data['data'][same_word_key][str(chan)]['timeZero']
            vocalizationTime = block_data['data'][same_word_key][str(chan)]['timeVocalization']
            powerMat = block_data['data'][same_word_key][str(chan)]['powerMat']

            ## 02: average across time and append frequency feature vector
            for i in range(0, len(vocalizationTime)):
                # either go from timezero -> vocalization, or some other timewindow
                feature_vect = np.mean(powerMat[i,freq_bands,vocalizationTime[i]-num_time_windows:vocalizationTime[i]-1],axis=1)

            ## 03: append freq. feature vector per channel to each event
            if same_feature_mat.size == 0:
                same_feature_mat = np.array(same_word_data)
                same_feature_mat = np.append(same_feature_mat, np.array(same_word_data), axis=1)

        ## 04: do a pairwise comparison of all events in this word pair
        same_feature_mat = computeWithinDistances(same_feature_mat)
        same_word_dict[same_word_key] = same_feature_mat

    ## 05: convert into list of distances
    for key in same_word_dict.keys():
        if same_word_distances.size == 0:
            same_word_distances = same_word_dict[key]
            same_word_distances = np.append(same_word_distances, same_word_dict[key], axis=0)
    return same_word_distances

def createDiffWordSimilarities(block_data, channels):
    diff_word_distances = np.array(())
    ########################## 02b: DIFFERENT WORD PAIRS ########################################
    diff_word_dict = {}
    for diff_words in diff_word_group:
        diff_feature_mat1 = np.array(()) # initialize matrix to store feature vectors for each event
        diff_feature_mat2 = np.array(())

        # keys for different words
        diff_word1 = diff_words[0]
        diff_word2 = diff_words[1] 

        for chan in channels:    # loop through every channel
            # word keys and buffer lists
            diff_word_databuffer1 = []
            diff_word_databuffer2 = []

            ## 01: extract channel data from blockdata dictionary
            probeOnTime = block_data['data'][diff_word1][str(chan)]['timeZero']
            vocalizationTime = block_data['data'][diff_word1][str(chan)]['timeVocalization']
            powerMat = block_data['data'][diff_word1][str(chan)]['powerMat']
            ## 02: average across time and append frequency feature vector
            for i in range(0, len(vocalizationTime)):
                feature_vect = np.mean(powerMat[i,freq_bands,vocalizationTime[i]-num_time_windows:vocalizationTime[i]-1],axis=1)
            ## 03:append freq. feature vector per channel to each event
            if diff_feature_mat1.size == 0:
                diff_feature_mat1 = np.array(diff_word_databuffer1)
                diff_feature_mat1 = np.append(diff_feature_mat1, np.array(diff_word_databuffer1), axis=1)

            probeOnTime = block_data['data'][diff_word2][str(chan)]['timeZero']
            vocalizationTime = block_data['data'][diff_word2][str(chan)]['timeVocalization']
            powerMat = block_data['data'][diff_word2][str(chan)]['powerMat']
            ## 02: average across time and append frequency feature vector
            for i in range(0, len(vocalizationTime)):
                feature_vect = np.mean(powerMat[i,freq_bands,vocalizationTime[i]-num_time_windows:vocalizationTime[i]-1],axis=1)
            ## 03:append freq. feature vector per channel to each event
            if diff_feature_mat2.size == 0:
                diff_feature_mat2 = np.array(diff_word_databuffer2)
                diff_feature_mat2 = np.append(diff_feature_mat2, np.array(diff_word_databuffer2), axis=1)

        ## 04: pairwise comparison
        diff_word_dict['vs'.join(diff_words)] = computePairDistances(diff_feature_mat1, diff_feature_mat2)

    # convert into list of distances
    for key in diff_word_dict.keys():
        if diff_word_distances.size == 0:
            diff_word_distances = diff_word_dict[key]
            diff_word_distances = np.append(diff_word_distances, diff_word_dict[key], axis=0)
    return diff_word_distances

In [54]:
######## Get list of files (.mat) we want to work with ########
subj = 'NIH034'
filedir = '../../condensed_data_' + subj + '/sessions_05122016/'
sessions = os.listdir(filedir)
sessions = sessions[2:]
num_chans = 96
debug_on = 0

# loop through each session
for session in sessions:
    print "Analyzing session ", session
    sessiondir = filedir + session
    # get all blocks for this session
    blocks = os.listdir(sessiondir)

    # loop through each block one at a time, analyze
    for i in range(0, 6):
#         print "Analyzing block ", blocks[i]
        block = blocks[i]
        block_dir = sessiondir + '/' + block
        # in each block, get list of word pairs from first and second block
        wordpairs = os.listdir(block_dir)
        ## 01: Create WordPair Groups
        same_word_group, reverse_word_group, diff_word_group = createWordGroups(wordpairs)
        print "\nOn block: ", block
        print wordpairs
        print "same word group: \n", same_word_group, '\n'
        print "diff word group: \n", diff_word_group
        print len(same_word_group)

Analyzing session  session_1

On block:  BLOCK_0
same word group: 

diff word group: 

In [41]:
######## Get list of files (.mat) we want to work with ########
subj = 'NIH034'
filedir = '../../condensed_data_' + subj + '/sessions05122016/'
sessions = os.listdir(filedir)
sessions = sessions[2:]
num_chans = 96
debug_on = 0

# loop through each session
for session in sessions:
    print "Analyzing session ", session
    sessiondir = filedir + session
    # get all blocks for this session
    blocks = os.listdir(sessiondir)

    # loop through each block one at a time, analyze
    for i in range(0, 6):
#         print "Analyzing block ", blocks[i]
        block = blocks[i]
        block_dir = sessiondir + '/' + block
        # in each block, get list of word pairs from first and second block
        wordpairs = os.listdir(block_dir)
        # within-groups analysis only has: SAME, REVERSE, DIFFERENT        
        ## 01: Create WordPair Groups
        same_word_group, reverse_word_group, diff_word_group = createWordGroups(wordpairs)
        #### plot meta information about which session and blocks we're analyzing
        plotDescription(session, block)
        ## 02: extract sessionblockdata dictionary for all channels
        block_data = extractSubjSessionBlockData(subj, session, block)
        channels = np.arange(1, num_chans+1, 1)
        same_word_distances = createSameWordSimilarities(block_data, channels)
        diff_word_distances = createDiffWordSimilarities(block_data, channels)
        if debug_on:
            print "done..."
            print "Example paired word feature matrix: ", diff_feature_mat2.shape
            print same_word_distances.shape
            print diff_word_distances.shape
        ##### 01: Plot Histogram of Cosine Similarities
        plotHistogramDistances(same_word_distances, session, block, 'same word pairs')
        plotHistogramDistances(diff_word_distances, session, block, 'diff word pairs')
        random_subset = np.random.choice(range(same_word_distances.shape[0]), size=len(same_word_distances)/2, replace=False)
        random_subset2 = list(set(np.arange(0, len(same_word_distances))) - set(random_subset))
        same_X = same_word_distances[random_subset]
        same_Y = same_word_distances[random_subset2]
        # sub-sample the diff_word_distances if using ks_test
#         stat, same_p_val = stats.ks_2samp(same_X, same_Y)
#         stat, diff_p_val = stats.ks_2samp(same_word_distances, diff_word_distances)
        stat, same_p_val = stats.ttest_ind(same_X, same_Y)
        stat, diff_p_val = stats.ttest_ind(same_word_distances, diff_word_distances)
        print "On block: ", block, " using t-test"
        print "Same avg +/- std: %0.3f" %np.mean(same_word_distances), ' +/- %0.3f' %stats.sem(same_word_distances)
        print "Different avg +/- std: %0.3f" %np.mean(diff_word_distances), ' +/- %0.3f' %stats.sem(diff_word_distances)
        print "Same vs. Same comparison: %0.3f" %same_p_val
        print "Same vs. Different Comparison: %0.3f" %diff_p_val, "\n"

Analyzing session  session_1
On block:  BLOCK_0  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.104  +/- 0.006
Different avg +/- std: 0.107  +/- 0.004
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.572
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.702 

On block:  BLOCK_1  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.090  +/- 0.006
Different avg +/- std: 0.089  +/- 0.004
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.242
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.969 

On block:  BLOCK_2  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.076  +/- 0.005
Different avg +/- std: 0.075  +/- 0.004
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.522
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.896 

On block:  BLOCK_3  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.119  +/- 0.006
Different avg +/- std: 0.115  +/- 0.004
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.794
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.615 

On block:  BLOCK_4  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.113  +/- 0.006
Different avg +/- std: 0.096  +/- 0.004
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.473
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.017 

On block:  BLOCK_5  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.173  +/- 0.005
Different avg +/- std: 0.170  +/- 0.004
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.467
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.575 

Discussion On NIH034

Do NIH039 Now Below

In [42]:
#### Extract wordpairs data into a dictionary for a subject/session/block
#### dictionary{wordpair:{channels}}
def extractSubjSessionBlockData(subj, session, block):
    # file directory for a subj/session/block
    filedir = '../../condensed_data_' + subj + '/sessions/' + session + '/' + block
    wordpairs = os.listdir(filedir) 
    # initialize data dictionary with meta data
    data_dict = {}
    data_dict['meta'] = {'subject': subj,
                         'session': session,
                         'block': block}
    data_dict['data'] = {}
    for wordpair in wordpairs:    # loop thru all wordpairs
        wordpair_dir = filedir + '/' + wordpair
        all_channel_mats = os.listdir(wordpair_dir)
        data_dict['data'][wordpair] = {}
        for channel in all_channel_mats: # loop thru all channels
            chan_file = wordpair_dir + '/' + channel

            ## 00: load in data
            data =
            data = data['data']
            ## 01: get the time point for probeword on
            timeZero = data['timeZero'][0][0][0]
            ## 02: get the time point of vocalization
            vocalization = data['vocalization'][0][0][0]
            ## 03: Get Power Matrix
            power_matrix = data['powerMatZ'][0][0]
            chan = channel.split('_')[0]
            # convert channel data into a json dict
            data_dict['data'][wordpair][chan] = {'timeZero': timeZero,
                                          'powerMat': power_matrix}
    return data_dict

In [43]:
######## Get list of files (.mat) we want to work with ########
subj = 'NIH039'
filedir = '../../condensed_data_' + subj + '/sessions/'
sessions = os.listdir(filedir)
# sessions = sessions[2:]
num_chans = 72
debug_on = 0

print "Analyzing subject: ", subj, " in ", filedir
# loop through each session
for session in sessions:
    print "Analyzing session ", session
    sessiondir = filedir + session
    # get all blocks for this session
    blocks = os.listdir(sessiondir)

    # loop through each block one at a time, analyze
    for i in range(0, 6):
#         print "Analyzing block ", blocks[i]
        block = blocks[i]
        block_dir = sessiondir + '/' + block
        # in each block, get list of word pairs from first and second block
        wordpairs = os.listdir(block_dir)
        # within-groups analysis only has: SAME, REVERSE, DIFFERENT
        diff_word_group = []
        reverse_word_group = []
        same_word_group = [] 
        ## 01: Create WordPair Groups
        same_word_group, reverse_word_group, diff_word_group = createWordGroups(wordpairs)
        #### plot meta information about which session and blocks we're analyzing
        plotDescription(session, block)
        ## 02: extract sessionblockdata dictionary for all channels
        block_data = extractSubjSessionBlockData(subj, session, block)
        channels = np.arange(1, num_chans+1, 1)
        same_word_distances = createSameWordSimilarities(block_data, channels)
        diff_word_distances = createDiffWordSimilarities(block_data, channels)
        if debug_on:
            print "done..."
            print "Example paired word feature matrix: ", diff_feature_mat2.shape
            print same_word_distances.shape
            print diff_word_distances.shape
        ##### 01: Plot Histogram of Cosine Similarities
        plotHistogramDistances(same_word_distances, session, block, 'same word pairs')
        plotHistogramDistances(diff_word_distances, session, block, 'diff word pairs')
        random_subset = np.random.choice(range(same_word_distances.shape[0]), size=len(same_word_distances)/2, replace=False)
        random_subset2 = list(set(np.arange(0, len(same_word_distances))) - set(random_subset))
        same_X = same_word_distances[random_subset]
        same_Y = same_word_distances[random_subset2]
        # sub-sample the diff_word_distances if using ks_test
#         stat, same_p_val = stats.ks_2samp(same_X, same_Y)
#         stat, diff_p_val = stats.ks_2samp(same_word_distances, diff_word_distances)
        stat, same_p_val = stats.ttest_ind(same_X, same_Y)
        stat, diff_p_val = stats.ttest_ind(same_word_distances, diff_word_distances)
        print "On block: ", block, " using t-test"
        print "Same avg +/- std: %0.3f" %np.mean(same_word_distances), ' +/- %0.3f' %stats.sem(same_word_distances)
        print "Different avg +/- std: %0.3f" %np.mean(diff_word_distances), ' +/- %0.3f' %stats.sem(diff_word_distances)
        print "Same vs. Same comparison: %0.3f" %same_p_val
        print "Same vs. Different Comparison: %0.3f" %diff_p_val, "\n"

Analyzing subject:  NIH039  in  ../../condensed_data_NIH039/sessions/
Analyzing session  session_0
On block:  BLOCK_0  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.065  +/- 0.008
Different avg +/- std: 0.074  +/- 0.006
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.122
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.343 

On block:  BLOCK_1  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.094  +/- 0.007
Different avg +/- std: 0.097  +/- 0.005
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.040
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.778 

On block:  BLOCK_2  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.047  +/- 0.009
Different avg +/- std: 0.057  +/- 0.006
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.341
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.325 

On block:  BLOCK_3  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.073  +/- 0.010
Different avg +/- std: 0.072  +/- 0.007
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.650
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.930 

On block:  BLOCK_4  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.064  +/- 0.007
Different avg +/- std: 0.066  +/- 0.005
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.382
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.840 

On block:  BLOCK_5  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: 0.080  +/- 0.007
Different avg +/- std: 0.084  +/- 0.005
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.536
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.688 


With this cosine similarity comparison of feature vectors from each channel comparison between word pairing events, the feature vector is of the order or ~400-600 elements long.

Using PCA, I can reduce the dimensionality along the directions of greatest variance, and using Scree plots, get the components that encompass up to 99%, 95% and 90% of the variance for testing.

In order to do PCA, I have to do the comparisons differently. First, instead of computing all combinations of cosine similarities, I will first subtract the average of the within blocks word pair that is matched.

same pair comparison: AB - average(AB) diff pair comparison: AB - average(CD)

In [73]:
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

def plotScree(sing_vals, eig_vals_ratio):
    # plot scree plot
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5))
    plt.plot(sing_vals, eig_vals_ratio, 'ro-', linewidth=2)
    plt.title('Scree Plot For Frequency Vector Features For All Channels')
    plt.xlabel('Principal Component')
    leg = plt.legend(['Eigenvalues from PCA'], loc='best', borderpad=0.3, 
         shadow=False, markerscale=0.2)

def createSameWordsFeatureMat(block_data, channels):
    same_word_distances = np.array(())
    ################# 02a: Same Words Cosine Distnace #################
    # extract channel data for same word group
    same_word_dict = {}
    for same_words in same_word_group:
        same_feature_mat = np.array(()) # initialize matrix to store feature vectors for each event

        for chan in channels: 
            ## 01: extract data to process - average across time 
            same_word_data = []
            same_word_key = same_words[0]
            probeOnTime = block_data['data'][same_word_key][str(chan)]['timeZero']
            vocalizationTime = block_data['data'][same_word_key][str(chan)]['timeVocalization']
            powerMat = block_data['data'][same_word_key][str(chan)]['powerMat']

            ## 02: average across time and append frequency feature vector
            for i in range(0, len(vocalizationTime)):
                # either go from timezero -> vocalization, or some other timewindow
                feature_vect = np.mean(powerMat[i,freq_bands,vocalizationTime[i]-num_time_windows:vocalizationTime[i]-1],axis=1)

            ## 03: append freq. feature vector per channel to each event
            if same_feature_mat.size == 0:
                same_feature_mat = np.array(same_word_data)
                same_feature_mat = np.append(same_feature_mat, np.array(same_word_data), axis=1)

        ## 04: Store the events X features matrix
        same_word_dict[same_word_key] = same_feature_mat

    return same_word_dict

def createDiffWordsFeatureMat(block_data, channels):
    diff_word_distances = np.array(())
    ########################## 02b: DIFFERENT WORD PAIRS ########################################
    diff_word_dict = {}
    for diff_words in diff_word_group:
        diff_feature_mat1 = np.array(()) # initialize matrix to store feature vectors for each event
        diff_feature_mat2 = np.array(())

        # keys for different words
        diff_word1 = diff_words[0]
        diff_word2 = diff_words[1] 

        for chan in channels:    # loop through every channel
            # word keys and buffer lists
            diff_word_databuffer1 = []
            diff_word_databuffer2 = []

            ## 01: extract channel data from blockdata dictionary
            probeOnTime = block_data['data'][diff_word1][str(chan)]['timeZero']
            vocalizationTime = block_data['data'][diff_word1][str(chan)]['timeVocalization']
            powerMat = block_data['data'][diff_word1][str(chan)]['powerMat']
            ## 02: average across time and append frequency feature vector
            for i in range(0, len(vocalizationTime)):
                feature_vect = np.mean(powerMat[i,freq_bands,vocalizationTime[i]-num_time_windows:vocalizationTime[i]-1],axis=1)
            ## 03:append freq. feature vector per channel to each event
            if diff_feature_mat1.size == 0:
                diff_feature_mat1 = np.array(diff_word_databuffer1)
                diff_feature_mat1 = np.append(diff_feature_mat1, np.array(diff_word_databuffer1), axis=1)

            probeOnTime = block_data['data'][diff_word2][str(chan)]['timeZero']
            vocalizationTime = block_data['data'][diff_word2][str(chan)]['timeVocalization']
            powerMat = block_data['data'][diff_word2][str(chan)]['powerMat']
            ## 02: average across time and append frequency feature vector
            for i in range(0, len(vocalizationTime)):
                feature_vect = np.mean(powerMat[i,freq_bands,vocalizationTime[i]-num_time_windows:vocalizationTime[i]-1],axis=1)
            ## 03:append freq. feature vector per channel to each event
            if diff_feature_mat2.size == 0:
                diff_feature_mat2 = np.array(diff_word_databuffer2)
                diff_feature_mat2 = np.append(diff_feature_mat2, np.array(diff_word_databuffer2), axis=1)
        pairWordKey = 'vs'.join(diff_words)
        diff_word_dict[pairWordKey] = []
        ## 04: pairwise comparison
#         diff_word_dict['vs'.join(diff_words)] = computePairDistances(diff_feature_mat1, diff_feature_mat2)

    return diff_word_dict


In [103]:
######## Get list of files (.mat) we want to work with ########
subj = 'NIH034'
filedir = '../../condensed_data_' + subj + '/sessions_05122016/'
sessions = os.listdir(filedir)
sessions = sessions[2:]
num_chans = 96
debug_on = 1

num_comp = 20
sklearn_pca = PCA(n_components=num_comp)

# loop through each session
for session in sessions:
    print "Analyzing session ", session
    sessiondir = filedir + session
    # get all blocks for this session
    blocks = os.listdir(sessiondir)

    # loop through each block one at a time, analyze
    for i in range(0, 6):
        block = blocks[i]
        block_dir = sessiondir + '/' + block
        # in each block, get list of word pairs from first and second block
        wordpairs = os.listdir(block_dir)
        # within-groups analysis only has: SAME, REVERSE, DIFFERENT
        diff_word_group = []
        reverse_word_group = []
        same_word_group = [] 
        ## 01: Create WordPair Groups
        same_word_group, reverse_word_group, diff_word_group = createWordGroups(wordpairs)
        #### plot meta information about which session and blocks we're analyzing
        plotDescription(session, block)
        ## 02: extract sessionblockdata dictionary for all channels
        block_data = extractSubjSessionBlockData(subj, session, block)
        channels = np.arange(1, num_chans+1, 1)
        ## Create the feature matrices per word
        same_word_dict = createSameWordsFeatureMat(block_data, channels)
        diff_word_dict = createDiffWordsFeatureMat(block_data, channels)
        ## loop through and create an events X feature matrix for PCA
        feature_mat = np.array(()) # the overall eventsXfeatures matrix
        feature_classes = [] # list of indices at which a new word pair is concatenated
        for key in same_word_dict.keys():
            if feature_mat.size == 0:
                feature_mat = same_word_dict[key] - np.mean(same_word_dict[key], axis=0)
                feature_mat = np.append(feature_mat, same_word_dict[key] - np.mean(same_word_dict[key], axis=0), axis=0)
                feature_classes.append(feature_classes[len(feature_classes)-1] + same_word_dict[key].shape[0])
        for key in diff_word_dict.keys():
            diff_word_features = np.append(diff_word_dict[key][0] - np.mean(diff_word_dict[key][0], axis=0), diff_word_dict[key][1] - np.mean(diff_word_dict[key][1], axis=0), axis=0)
            feature_mat = np.append(feature_mat, diff_word_features, axis=0)
            feature_classes.append(feature_classes[len(feature_classes)-1] + diff_word_dict[key][0].shape[0])
            feature_classes.append(feature_classes[len(feature_classes)-1] + diff_word_dict[key][1].shape[0])
        ## PERFORM PCA 
        num_comp = 76
        sklearn_pca = PCA(n_components=num_comp)
        sklearn_transf = sklearn_pca.fit_transform(feature_mat)
        sklearn_variance_explained = sklearn_pca.explained_variance_ratio_
        # get singular values and their explained variance
        sing_vals = np.arange(num_comp)
        eig_vals_ratio = [sum(sklearn_variance_explained[0:i]) for i in range(0,len(sklearn_variance_explained))]

        ## Loop through and compute cosine similarities between same/diff pair presentation
        same_word_distances = np.array(())
        diff_word_distances = np.array(())
        for iClass in range(0, 4): # first 4 are same word pairs
            if same_word_distances.size == 0:
                same_word_distances = computeWithinDistances(sklearn_transf[0:feature_classes[iClass], :])
                same_word_distances = np.append(same_word_distances, computeWithinDistances(sklearn_transf[feature_classes[iClass-1]:feature_classes[iClass],:]), axis=0)
        # next 8 are diff word pairs
        for iClass in range(4, 12, 2): # first 4 are same word pairs
            firstWordPair = sklearn_transf[feature_classes[iClass-1]:feature_classes[iClass], :]
            secondWordPair = sklearn_transf[feature_classes[iClass]:feature_classes[iClass+1], :]
            if diff_word_distances.size == 0:
                diff_word_distances = computePairDistances(firstWordPair, secondWordPair)
                diff_word_distances = np.append(diff_word_distances, computePairDistances(firstWordPair, secondWordPair), axis=0)
        if debug_on:
            print "done..."
            print "Feature matrix: ", feature_mat.shape
            print "Number of components used: ", num_comp
            print same_word_distances.shape
            print diff_word_distances.shape
            print sklearn_transf.shape
            plotScree(sing_vals, eig_vals_ratio)
            debug_on = False
        ##### 01: Plot Histogram of Cosine Similarities
        plotHistogramDistances(same_word_distances, session, block, 'same word pairs')
        plotHistogramDistances(diff_word_distances, session, block, 'diff word pairs')
        random_subset = np.random.choice(range(same_word_distances.shape[0]), size=len(same_word_distances)/2, replace=False)
        random_subset2 = list(set(np.arange(0, len(same_word_distances))) - set(random_subset))
        same_X = same_word_distances[random_subset]
        same_Y = same_word_distances[random_subset2]
        # sub-sample the diff_word_distances if using ks_test
#         stat, same_p_val = stats.ks_2samp(same_X, same_Y)
#         stat, diff_p_val = stats.ks_2samp(same_word_distances, diff_word_distances)
        stat, same_p_val = stats.ttest_ind(same_X, same_Y)
        stat, diff_p_val = stats.ttest_ind(same_word_distances, diff_word_distances)
        print "On block: ", block, " using t-test"
        print "Same avg +/- std: %0.6f" %np.mean(same_word_distances), ' +/- %0.3f' %stats.sem(same_word_distances)
        print "Different avg +/- std: %0.6f" %np.mean(diff_word_distances), ' +/- %0.3f' %stats.sem(diff_word_distances)
        print "Same vs. Same comparison: %0.6f" %same_p_val
        print "Same vs. Different Comparison: %0.6f" %diff_p_val, "\n"
#         break # for 1 block

Analyzing session  session_1
Feature matrix:  (240, 672)
Number of components used:  76
(240, 76)
On block:  BLOCK_0  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.051315  +/- 0.005
Different avg +/- std: 0.000240  +/- 0.003
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.971250
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000000 

On block:  BLOCK_1  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.055495  +/- 0.005
Different avg +/- std: 0.000223  +/- 0.003
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.813203
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000000 

On block:  BLOCK_2  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.052268  +/- 0.005
Different avg +/- std: 0.000332  +/- 0.003
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.257909
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000000 

On block:  BLOCK_3  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.052631  +/- 0.005
Different avg +/- std: 0.000131  +/- 0.003
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.239875
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000000 

On block:  BLOCK_4  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.051610  +/- 0.005
Different avg +/- std: 0.000086  +/- 0.003
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.199528
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000000 

On block:  BLOCK_5  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.053832  +/- 0.004
Different avg +/- std: 0.000256  +/- 0.003
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.681280
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000000 


In [104]:
######## Get list of files (.mat) we want to work with ########
subj = 'NIH039'
filedir = '../../condensed_data_' + subj + '/sessions_05122016/'
sessions = os.listdir(filedir)
# sessions = sessions[2:]
num_chans = 72
debug_on = 1

num_comp = 20
sklearn_pca = PCA(n_components=num_comp)

# loop through each session
for session in sessions:
    print "Analyzing session ", session
    sessiondir = filedir + session
    # get all blocks for this session
    blocks = os.listdir(sessiondir)

    # loop through each block one at a time, analyze
    for i in range(0, 6):
        block = blocks[i]
        block_dir = sessiondir + '/' + block
        # in each block, get list of word pairs from first and second block
        wordpairs = os.listdir(block_dir)
        # within-groups analysis only has: SAME, REVERSE, DIFFERENT
        diff_word_group = []
        reverse_word_group = []
        same_word_group = [] 
        ## 01: Create WordPair Groups
        same_word_group, reverse_word_group, diff_word_group = createWordGroups(wordpairs)
        #### plot meta information about which session and blocks we're analyzing
        plotDescription(session, block)
        ## 02: extract sessionblockdata dictionary for all channels
        block_data = extractSubjSessionBlockData(subj, session, block)
        channels = np.arange(1, num_chans+1, 1)
        ## Create the feature matrices per word
        same_word_dict = createSameWordsFeatureMat(block_data, channels)
        diff_word_dict = createDiffWordsFeatureMat(block_data, channels)
        ## loop through and create an events X feature matrix for PCA
        feature_mat = np.array(()) # the overall eventsXfeatures matrix
        feature_classes = [] # list of indices at which a new word pair is concatenated
        for key in same_word_dict.keys():
            if feature_mat.size == 0:
                feature_mat = same_word_dict[key] - np.mean(same_word_dict[key], axis=0)
                feature_mat = np.append(feature_mat, same_word_dict[key] - np.mean(same_word_dict[key], axis=0), axis=0)
                feature_classes.append(feature_classes[len(feature_classes)-1] + same_word_dict[key].shape[0])
        for key in diff_word_dict.keys():
            diff_word_features = np.append(diff_word_dict[key][0] - np.mean(diff_word_dict[key][0], axis=0), diff_word_dict[key][1] - np.mean(diff_word_dict[key][1], axis=0), axis=0)
            feature_mat = np.append(feature_mat, diff_word_features, axis=0)
            feature_classes.append(feature_classes[len(feature_classes)-1] + diff_word_dict[key][0].shape[0])
            feature_classes.append(feature_classes[len(feature_classes)-1] + diff_word_dict[key][1].shape[0])
        ## PERFORM PCA 
        num_comp = 60
        sklearn_pca = PCA(n_components=num_comp)
        sklearn_transf = sklearn_pca.fit_transform(feature_mat)
        sklearn_variance_explained = sklearn_pca.explained_variance_ratio_
        # get singular values and their explained variance
        sing_vals = np.arange(num_comp)
        eig_vals_ratio = [sum(sklearn_variance_explained[0:i]) for i in range(0,len(sklearn_variance_explained))]

        ## Loop through and compute cosine similarities between same/diff pair presentation
        same_word_distances = np.array(())
        diff_word_distances = np.array(())
        for iClass in range(0, 4): # first 4 are same word pairs
            if same_word_distances.size == 0:
                same_word_distances = computeWithinDistances(sklearn_transf[0:feature_classes[iClass], :])
                same_word_distances = np.append(same_word_distances, computeWithinDistances(sklearn_transf[feature_classes[iClass-1]:feature_classes[iClass],:]), axis=0)
        # next 8 are diff word pairs
        for iClass in range(4, 12, 2): # first 4 are same word pairs
            firstWordPair = sklearn_transf[feature_classes[iClass-1]:feature_classes[iClass], :]
            secondWordPair = sklearn_transf[feature_classes[iClass]:feature_classes[iClass+1], :]
            if diff_word_distances.size == 0:
                diff_word_distances = computePairDistances(firstWordPair, secondWordPair)
                diff_word_distances = np.append(diff_word_distances, computePairDistances(firstWordPair, secondWordPair), axis=0)
        if debug_on:
            print "done..."
            print "Feature matrix: ", feature_mat.shape
            print "Number of components used: ", num_comp
            print same_word_distances.shape
            print diff_word_distances.shape
            print sklearn_transf.shape
            plotScree(sing_vals, eig_vals_ratio)
            debug_on = False
        ##### 01: Plot Histogram of Cosine Similarities
        plotHistogramDistances(same_word_distances, session, block, 'same word pairs')
        plotHistogramDistances(diff_word_distances, session, block, 'diff word pairs')
        random_subset = np.random.choice(range(same_word_distances.shape[0]), size=len(same_word_distances)/2, replace=False)
        random_subset2 = list(set(np.arange(0, len(same_word_distances))) - set(random_subset))
        same_X = same_word_distances[random_subset]
        same_Y = same_word_distances[random_subset2]
        # sub-sample the diff_word_distances if using ks_test
#         stat, same_p_val = stats.ks_2samp(same_X, same_Y)
#         stat, diff_p_val = stats.ks_2samp(same_word_distances, diff_word_distances)
        stat, same_p_val = stats.ttest_ind(same_X, same_Y)
        stat, diff_p_val = stats.ttest_ind(same_word_distances, diff_word_distances)
        print "On block: ", block, " using t-test"
        print "Same avg +/- std: %0.6f" %np.mean(same_word_distances), ' +/- %0.3f' %stats.sem(same_word_distances)
        print "Different avg +/- std: %0.6f" %np.mean(diff_word_distances), ' +/- %0.3f' %stats.sem(diff_word_distances)
        print "Same vs. Same comparison: %0.6f" %same_p_val
        print "Same vs. Different Comparison: %0.6f" %diff_p_val, "\n"
#         break # for 1 block

Analyzing session  session_0
Feature matrix:  (198, 504)
Number of components used:  60
(198, 60)
On block:  BLOCK_0  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.060098  +/- 0.008
Different avg +/- std: 0.000510  +/- 0.005
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.846643
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000000 

On block:  BLOCK_1  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.052705  +/- 0.007
Different avg +/- std: 0.000901  +/- 0.005
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.371275
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000000 

On block:  BLOCK_2  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.050726  +/- 0.009
Different avg +/- std: 0.000947  +/- 0.006
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.319844
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000002 

On block:  BLOCK_3  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.054576  +/- 0.011
Different avg +/- std: 0.001573  +/- 0.008
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.286313
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000039 

On block:  BLOCK_4  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.050476  +/- 0.007
Different avg +/- std: 0.000600  +/- 0.005
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.777543
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000000 

On block:  BLOCK_5  using t-test
Same avg +/- std: -0.053422  +/- 0.007
Different avg +/- std: -0.000090  +/- 0.005
Same vs. Same comparison: 0.444449
Same vs. Different Comparison: 0.000000 


After principle component analysis, it seems all the same vs. same comparisons are significantly different from same vs. different. The main visual difference is in the spread of the cosine similarities.

However, can we really say this is true?...

In [ ]: